HomeMy Rattys

Some of my other Rattys Page 1

RJ Machine riser breech 2240:

RJ Machine riser breech custom machined to accept standards sights.
RJ Machine brass extended probe and bolt handle.
Custom reflex silencer shroud by Matt W with stick on front sight.
GMAC wide blade trigger kit
Rick Andres Walnut grips
Custom brass rebolt kit
Extended hammer pin, custon Tranfer port (GMAC)


BNM Multishot 2240:

BNM multishot breech c/w shrouded 8" barrel
Rick Andres Grips

This picture was taken just after receipt of the complete gun from BNM, see below for some of the mods.






 Early Scaramanga 2240 .20 cal build:

Built for a build off on the CAPOF forum
Custom machined brass .20 barrel.
GMAC LH breech.
RJ machine brass extended probe and bolt.
P Rod trigger group.
Rick Andres walnut grips.
Brass rebolt kit.
Crosman brass muzzle brake.
Unknown maker brass CO2 cap.




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We have a range of stainless and brass rebolt kits still available. See the for sale section for more details. Or visit here for our eBay shop

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